Introductory Statement
The International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA has been showing for 28 years, around the world, the best of innovation thanks to a worldwide selection of experts and works of the highest level. It is therefore a great honor for the General Delegation of Quebec in France to present a Quebec Focus of digital arts during the 28th edition of ISEA that will bring together in Paris in May 2023 more than 60 countries, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and more than 100 French partners.
I would like to sincerely thank ISEA2023 French steering committee comprised of Le Cube Garges, École des Arts Décoratifs and Forum des images, especially its President Nils Aziosmanoff, for this prestigious invitation extended to Quebec, as a “pioneer and still today, leading force” in research and creation in the field of digital arts.
Quebec Focus at ISEA2023 Paris is presented by ELEKTRA Montreal with the support of Quebec Council of Arts and Letters, Ministry of Cultureand Communications, Ministry of International Relations and La Francophonie within the framework of France-Quebec Year of Innovation, impulsed by Quebec Government Office in Paris.
I am very proud of this exclusive opportunity that is ISEA2023 to offer a panorama of the diversity and the avant-garde of contemporary digital arts in Quebec.
- Michèle Boisvert, General Delegate of Quebec in Paris and Personal Representative of Quebec Prime Minister for La Francophonie