[ISEA2023] Artist Statement: Baudouin Saintyves & Severine Atis — Water Organoids

Artist Statement

Performance, Juried artwork, Maison du Geste et de l’Image

Water Organoids is a performance that uses an “immersive microscope” to film and project an invisible reality of self-organizing water structures. Emerging artistic and natural forms are indiscernible in experiments executed in front of the audience using pipettes, syringes, tweezers, and motors.

Water Organoids is presented with the support of the Outreach Program @PSL University, in collaboration with the CNRS researcher Etienne Reyssat from PMMH, ESPCI Paris – PSL University. It is part of the Shapes of Emergence project, which develops performances, videos, robotic installations and research at the crossroads of art, technology and science. This project has benefited from the support of CAMIT (Council of the Art at MIT), High Concept Lab @MANA Contemporary in Chicago, the University of Chicago and private companies Thorlabs and Pixelink.

  • Baudouin Saintyves (FR/US) is a physicist, engineer and multimedia artist. He is currently in residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and a staff scientist – visiting artist at the University of Chicago (Jaeger Lab). I earned a PhD in physics from Sorbonne University in Paris, France, and did post-doctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Harvard University https://www.shapesofemergence.com/baudouinsaintyves
  • Severine Atis (FR/US) is an experimental physicist currently working at the University of Chicago as a postdoctoral fellow. She received her PhD at Sorbonne University in Physics where she investigated reaction waves dynamics in disordered flow. Then, I went to Harvard University to work with Prof. David Nelson on evolutionary dynamics coupled with hydrodynamic flows in collaboration with Prof. Andrew Murray in the Molecular and Cellular Biology department. https://severineatis.wordpress.com