Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
Keywords: Global archiving network, Summit on New Media Art Ar-chiving, archive, new media art, digital culture heritage, ISEA Archives, Liverpool Declaration
One of the primary functions of an archive is to act as a repository to store essential documents and records throughout history, consequently, these stored archival materials can help us re-imagine a collective memory of the past. With rapid changes in the dissemination of information in recent years, the conventional ways of archiving may not be able to capture all the essential records of our time. This is especially concerning in regard to new media art archiving. Many recently created important new media artworks have been disappearing without being archived. If this issue is not addressed, we may lose a significant part of our cultural heritage. To respond to the issue, archives worldwide have attempted to approach the problem collectively. This paper is a report on a proposed study presented at the Second Summit on New Media Art Ar-chiving at ISEA2022, taking the Summit as a case study to review the progress made in connecting archives worldwide.
- Terry C. W. Wong (HK/CA) is an archivist and co-organizer for the ISEA Archives. He has a bachelor’s degree from the Applied Science De-partment of the University of British Columbia and a Master’s de-gree in Fine Art from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Cur-rently, he is working on his graduate research study on connecting new media art archiving worldwide in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. Terry has been involved with the New Media Art Archiving Summit since 2017. He is currently a member of the organizing committee for the Sum-mit. Before working in new media art archiving, he was also an engineer, artist, and member of the ISEA2016 organizing team.