[ISEA2023] Paper: Cyrus Khalatbari — Method for Design Materialization (MDM) as a new media archiving method for artists, educators and archivists: an introduction


Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving

Keywords: Method for Design Materialisation, Research through design, Version control system, Self-archiving

This contribution argues for the potential of Barr, Khaled and Lessard’s Method for Design Materialization (MDM) as a research through design tool that is specifically suited for new media preservation. Building moreover from the ISEA first and second Summits on New Media Art Archiving, this article introduces the reader to this methodological and epistemological design framework through four existing articles: both addressing important issues in the context of new media practice, education, display and archiving. Placing these articles in dialogue with four structuring ideas of the MDM initiative, it posits the importance of further introducing new media artists to processes of self-archiving through the use of cohesive platforms such as MDM.

  • Cyrus Khalatbari is a PhD candidate of the joint program between the Geneva Arts and Design University (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL, Lausanne). As designer and artist, his work inquires about our ubiquitous web user interfaces and experience’s (UX/UIs) values and ideologies through the design and production of alternative apps and data assemblages. Inside his PhD research, Cyrus’ bridges internet studies with critical and speculative computing in order to address, at the level of Graphical Processing Units (GPU), the intersections and frictions between our earth and internet megastructure.