Archive Presentation Statement
Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
Keywords: AST, Histories of Art & Technology, Documentation, Archive, Latin America
In the context of the Archive Presentations section we would like to introduce PAM – Plataforma Arte y Medios [Art & Media Platform] an independent project which has been active since 2016. PAM was born as an answer to the challenge of researching, documenting and visibilizing contemporary media arts projects and practices developed in Latin America, while generating a theoretical and historical context for present and future interpretations.
- Valentina Montero works as curator , educator and researcher. Lives in Valparaiso, Chile. PhD in Advanced Artistic Production (University of Barcelona, 2015). Her research, texts and exhibitions address the uses and appropriations of technologies and sciences in creative practices from a critical persective. Currently is Associate Professor at Finis Terrae University; director in the Master in Image Research Creation at the same university, and professor in the Master of Media arts of the University of Chile. She is director of PAM / Plata forma Arte y Medios and ANID/Fondecyt researcher.
- Vanina Hofman is a Lecturer at the History and Art History Department of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia) where she is also Director of the Uni Aula de Cine. She develops her work in the field of intersection between arts, sciences, technologies and societies, in a hybrid territory among academic research and cultural production. She is particularly interested in the processes involved in the construction of memory in digital culture, the archiving of media arts, the unconventional arts histories and the digital materialities. She has recently published the book “Divergent Practices of Media Arts Preservation. Remembering and Forgetting in the Digital Culture” (Prometeo Libros, 2019) based on previous fieldwork conducted in Argentina. She is collaborating with PAM / Plataforma Arte y Medios.