Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
Keywords: New Media institutions, University, Archive, Digital Assets Management, Digital Strategy, Digitization, digital empowerment
New Media institutions lack on a digital strategy and relay on an isolated, non-coherent, sedimentary and fragile digital environment. After COVID-19, different programs were created to support these institutions, but the question of the maintenance in the long term is unclear. This is a common problem between academic and cultural institutions (museums, archives, etc.), and a network has been created to confront these challenges together.
- Víctor Fancelli Capdevila is Digital Archivist at the Open Resource Center in the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, a project developing an Archive and Media Platform as well as enhancing a culture of documentation among the university. In this context, AuDA (Austausch Digital Assets, Exchange about Digital Assets) was created to discuss digital challenges with other institutions. He has also been teaching courses about archives, digital empowerment and awareness of digital tools.