Archive Presentation Statement
Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
Keywords: Art, archive, body, identity, queer, self-representation, methodologies, new media, open-source
The three Connected Archives that we presented – ArchID, Gendernaut and Argonaut – remind us of the importance of imagining the archives that reflect on identity, gender and sexuality, as live interactive spaces, free of heteropatriarchal codes, inhabited by bodies and multiple subjectivities that relate the past, present and future.
- Laura Baigorri: Professor in Media Art. Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. Director of the Department of Design and Image and Vice Dean of Research, Masters and Doctorate (2016-2021). She combines her teaching and research experience with criticism and curation. She has organized seminars and exhibitions on art and new media. Main exhibitions: Multiverso (2016-2019) BBVA Foundation Madrid; CTRL+[SELF]: Intimacy, Extimacy and Control in the Age of the Self’s Overexposure (2016), Studio XX Montreal, and Videoarde. Critical video in Latin America and the Caribbean (AECID Instituto Cervantes). She has published articles on art and activism, video and game art, and the books: Cuerpos conectados. Arte, identidad y autorepresentación en la sociedad transmedia (Dykinson, 2021), Video in Latin America: A critical history (AECID & Brumaria, 2008); Aesthetic and political practices on the Web, (UB & Brumaria, 2006) and Video. First stage: The video in the social and artistic context of the 60s/70s (Brumaria, 2004).
- Diego Marchante: Transfeminist activist, transmedia artist and Lecturer. Doctor of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, since 2008 he works as a professor of Audiovisuals and Gender Studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. In 2011, he published “Archivo T. A transfeminist and queer archive” (, of social movements and artistic practices that have addressed gender issues in the Spanish context from a queer and transfeminist perspective. In 2020-21 his project “Gendernaut. Queering the 90’s” ( has been selected in the call for research stays at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía of Madrid, in the context of the project “Our Many Europes. Europe’s critical 90s and The Constituent Museum”, beneficiary of the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union, organized by the network of European museums L’Internationale. His artwork has been exhibited at Caixaforum, CCCB, MACBA and MNCARS.