[ISEA2022] Paper: María José Martínez de Pisón & Moisés Mañas Carbonell — Laboratorio de Luz: More than 30 years of research in art, science and technology in the Spanish panorama


Short paper, theme: Educations and Societies: Labs, networks and 3D immersive telepresence
Venue: CCCB, date: June 15

Keywords: Laboratorio de Luz, media lab, media art, ACTS, STEAM

This article approaches several projects in the past thirty years from the Laboratorio de Luz, a Spanish Medialab focused on Art, Science and Technology hosted in the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, founded in 1990.

In 2022, the Laboratorio de Luz (UPV) will be 32 years old, and it is a good time to reflect, and to share that reflection, on the contributions and positions of the work carried out by this group of researchers and artistic collective that is considered one of the first university, Art and Science nodes on the Spanish scene. Rethinking our work in this presentation framed within the “artist talk” format also implies reviewing the conditions of possibility that existed in the Spanish context 30 years ago and those that exist today for art research-science-technology.

  • Prof. Maria José Martinez de Pison is Director of Máster Artes Visuales y Multimedia UPV Program at Departamento de Escultura, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Valencia Polytechnical University, Spain [source: Flickr]
  • Moises Mañas Carbonell is Profesor de bellas Artes, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain [source: scholar.google.com]