[ISEA2022] Institutional Presentation: Paula Perissinotto & Fabiana Krepel — FILE Archive

Institutional Presentation Statement

Second Summit on New Media Art Archiving
June 10, MACBA – Convent dels Àngels. Invited presentation

Keywords: digital file, digital memory, cultural memory, digital platform, digital repository

FILE Archive is an initiative carried out by the independent cultural organization FILE – International Electronic Language Festival, based in Brazil. FILE Archive aims to make available its archive of 22 years of achievements. This expanding collection brings now the last 5 years of FILE Festival events and exhibitions, through the free software Tainacan.
https://file.org.br  https://www.facebook.com/openfilearchive

  • Paula Perissinotto (Brazil) is specialized in new media, contemporary art and digital culture. Master’s degree in visual poetics from ECA (School of Communications and Arts at USP University of São Paulo). Since 2000 I have been working as Co- organizer and Co- curator of FILE, Electronic Language International Festival, a non-profit cultural organization that promotes and encourages aesthetic and cultural productions related to the new poetics of contemporary culture. At the festival, is responsible for the selection of works, international relations and also calls for project management carried out in Brazil. Have produced and realized 50 art and technology exhibitions. Current is a PHD student at the University of São Paulo, School of Communications and Arts, ECA, in Visual Poetics. Member of the Realidates Research Group licensed by CNPq [Brazilian government agency for scientific research], led by Profa. Dr. Silvia Laurentiz who in turn, is formally affiliated with the School of Communications and Arts and the Department of Visual Arts, ECA / USP.
  • Fabiana Krepel (Brazil) is a Food Engineer graduated from Unicamp University, and post-graduated in marketing from ESPM. She holds a Graphic Design Certificate from Parsons The New School of Design and an Advanced Diploma in Online Education & Training from the Institute of Education, University of London. Fabiana has experience in strategic planning, direct marketing, acquired in multinational and national companies such as WUNDERMAN. She has also 15 years of experience in specialized consultancy for cultural projects in incentive laws, both in the development and approval of customized projects, as well as in the management of sponsorship resources and accountability. Since 2001, she has been a Partner – Director of KCE Consultoria Empresarial, b.k design, and is responsible for coordinating the FILE Festival platforms, FILE Alive and FILE Archive (online educational platform and archive Platform), as well as responsible for FILE cultural projects in incentive laws.