[ISEA2022] Paper: Miles Thorogood, Maria Correia & Aleksandra Dulic — A Networked Multi-channel Audio and Video Authoring and Display System for Immersive Recombinatory Media Installations


Full Paper. Session: Nature and Worlds / Immersive environments

Keywords: Environmental Science Communication, Indigenous Methodologies, Recombinatory Media, Immersive Installation, Multi-Agent Systems

This paper is describing the Waterways system for multi-channel recombinatory media.

Waterways Past, Present and Future is an informative interactive media exhibition aimed at increasing awareness of the fragile relationship between people and water in the Okanagan Valley and catalyzing sustainable water practices among residents. The exhibition draws on the power of multi-channel sound and video media immerse, provoke, destabilize, transform and move participants to act responsibly and sustainability. We describe the system design toward a networked multi-channel audio visual system capable of generating sequences of environmental recordings and interview footage over an arbitrary number of modules in an installation. https://waterways.ok.ubc.ca

  • Miles Thorogood is an assistant professor of digital art in the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies and heads the Sonic Production Intelligence Research and Applications Lab at The University of British Columbia, Canada. His current research aims to identify the facets of human perception used in creative processes to develop computational-assisted tools for art and design making.
  • Maria Correia is a PhD candidate and Killam Scholar in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Her current research focuses on cross-cultural adaptive governance of complex social-ecological systems in the Okanagan valley of British Columbia, Canada.
  • Aleksandra Dulic is an artist-scholar with expertise in interactive art, climate change communication, and media for social change. She is the Director of the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCT) at The University of British Columbia, C anada. She leads an interdisciplinary research team that engages multiple forms of art, media and information technologies as vehicles for the expression of community, culture, and identity.