[ISEA2022] Institutional Presentation: Niloufar Abdolmaleki, Hafsa Akter, Diana Araiza Soto, Cristina Gomez, Valentyna Hrushkevych, Justin Marsh, Fatema Mostafa, Alejandra Ruiz, Pachia Vang, Ofelia Pulido, Marcy Wacker, Edward Whelan, Iris Xie, Rova Yilmaz & Jiayi Young — What is Research-based Design Practice? A Collective Inquiry through A Graduate Seminar

Institutional Presentation Statement 

CCCB Auditorium, June 15th. Session: Practice-based artistic research

Keywords: Research-based design, framework, case study, collective inquiry, creative work

What is Research-based Design Practice? This graduate seminar provides a framework for research-based design, defines a structure to carry out Design practice, and offers ways of understanding giving and receiving critical feedback on practice-based projects. As a class, we come together to make collective contributions to answer this question through Case Study presentations. Students conduct careful research on an artist or designer’s creative work that helps address this question. Presented at the conference is a collection of this inquiry to exchange with other universities and institutions who are endeavored with a similar question.

  • Jiayi Young is an Associate Professor of Design at the University of California, Davis, USA.
  • Biographies for students Niloufar Abdolmaleki, Hafsa Akter, Diana Araiza Soto, Cristina Gomez, Valentyna Hrushkevych, Justin Marsh, Fatema Mostafa, Alejandra Ruiz, Pachia Vang, Ofelia Pulido, Marcy Wacker, Edward Whelan, Iris Xie, Rova Yilmaz can be found on the UC Davis website: https://arts.ucdavis.edu/design-graduate-students