Institutional Presentation Statement
CCCB Auditorium, June 13th Session: Ecological citizenship
Keywords: Telematics, Augmentation, Crowd/Cloud Networks, Digital Communities, Agricultural Art and Ecology
TeleAgriCulture is a community platform, providing a crowd/cloud data exchange network for information, stories, Art and innovation. Modular sensing kits are offered and are adaptable to most geographic locations and ecological conditions, providing real time sensory data that can be used to monitor and optimise conditions or for artistic production and scientific inquiry. This presentation will provide an overview of the TeleAgriCulture platform, its conceptual and organizational development and the artists’ works that have so far been produced, along with current and future projects.
- Julian Stadon is an artist, designer, curator, researcher, and educator. His nomadic practice-based research interfaces art, bio-digital entanglements, identity, embodied interactivity, food ecologies, sustainability, culture and society. His PhD examines Post-Biological Identity and Augmentation Aesthetics through the Data Body Trader project, his establishment of The Mixed and Augmented Reality Art Organisation and the iterative processes, outcomes and conclusions resulting from those endeavours. Stadon has presented and his work and been academically active for nearly twenty years across five continents and currently teaches on the Interface Cultures program at Kunstuniversität Linz. He also runs an experimental agriculture project TeleAgriCulture and often works with Stadtwerkstatt, V2_, Donautics and Schwemmland.