[ISEA2022] Curator Statement: Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals — L’ètica de les màquines (Machine Ethics)

Curator Statement

Exhibition, jan – nov 2022, Travelling. ISEA2022 Extended programme. 

Machine Ethics is a traveling and participatory pop-up exhibition aimed at exploring the complexities and ethical and social challenges associated with the impact of the use, design and development of intelligent systems in everyday life.

The exhibition is divided into three main blocks:

  1. Smart technologies,
  2. Areas where smart technologies are very present (care and body, leisure and home, professional field and education) ,
  3. The use and design of smart technologies pose ethical and social challenges.

Original idea, contents and coordination: Cosicosa Association https://www.cosicosa.tech/ca/exposicio

  • Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals (The Municipal Library Network, Spain) is made up of more than 233 libraries and 10 library buses, which work together with the same service quality standards, guaranteeing territorial balance in access to the public reading service.