Keywords: Archive, digital art, electronic art, digital humanities, content management system, SIGGRAPH, ISEA
Our poster focuses on the development of innovative archives for the SIGGRAPH Art Shows and the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). Our team created a custom content management system and taxonomies as well as coded templates and queries. The system allows cross connections between data in a myriad of ways and also automatically populates pages with information from thousands of data fields. The two archives are built using the same platform with variations to address the complexities of the two organizations. isea-archives.siggraph.org digitalartarchive.siggraph.org
- Janice Searleman, Adjunct Research Professor of Computer Science, Clarkson University, USA. SIGGRAPH Art Show and ISEA Symposium archivist.
- Bonnie Mitchell, Bowling Green University, OH USA. SIGGRAPH Art Show and ISEA Symposium archivist. member of the ISEA International Advisory Committee, former ISEA International board member.
- Wim van der Plas, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Co-founder of ISEA, organiser of First, Second and Seventh ISEA symposium. Former director of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts and former board member of ISEA International. ISEA Symposium archivist. Honorary chair of the ISEA International Advisory Committee.