Artist Statement n.a.
- Elizabeth Littlejohn (CA) is a communications professor, human rights activist, photojournalist, and documentary film-maker, who teaches in Toronto. She has written for for the past thirteen years on social movements, sustainable urban planning, and climate change. As a running gun social movement videographer, she has filmed internationally. Her articles, photojournalism, and videos have been published widely to document the Occupy and climate change movements, LGBTQIA* rights, and Idle No More, and printed in NOW Magazine, the Toronto Star, and Our Times. In 2018 she directed, filmed and produced ‘Leelah’s Highway’, a broadcast half hour focusing on the suicide of trans youth, Leelah Alcorn, and ‘Frolic’s Haunt’, a nine-minute film about a queer, accessible haunted house with its own unique scare system. Both of these documentaries were shown in international film festivals. Presently she is in post-production on ‘The City Island’, a feature-length documentary she directed about the razing of homes on the Toronto Islands, and the islanders’ stewardship of the park system in the time of flooding and airport expansion.