Institutional Presentation Statement
Molior is an organization specialized in the production of exhibitions and artistic projects which make use of technologies as a creation, expression and action tool. Since its foundation in 2001, Molior has presented numerous innovative projects on the international scene in collaboration with multiple dissemination partners. Molior also carries out various activities outside of established networks in order to stimulate audience development.
Molior is based in Montreal, Canada and produces large scale exhibitions with partners from different countries such as China, Brazil, Peru, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Switzerland. It had shows presented with the Triennial of international media arts in Beijing at the National Art Museum Of China, at the Symposium Millenium Museum, at the SESC in Sao Paolo, as well as Palacios das Artes and File Festival and at Biela Noc in Bratislava and, Signal festival in Prague, among others.
Molior’s initiatives are elaborated through a rigorous selection process and a strong curatorial approach in order to provide meaningful relations between the works, and relevant connections with the milieus where the exhibitions are presented. Molior asserts on the importance of collaborations and taking part in the reflection and the debates around art, sciences, technologies, representations and social mutations of our times.
That’s why Molior is led by an artistic direction and collaborates with a diversity of curators and an artistic committee. The selection of works and exhibitions are based on a singular artistic research that shakes up established codes, proposes a renewal of language all the while taking a critical look at important issues from our societies. The works prompt powerful experiences that involve the senses and stimulate thought among viewers.
Molior has presented exhibitions referring to the city, the light, the arts and sciences, the living, the post web and the media art archaeology.
- Aurélie Besson is the Director at Molior. She has coordinated two international exhibitions: Éveil, held in São Paolo and Quebec’s participation in the International Triennal of New Media Art, at Beijing’s National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in 2014. Between 2007 and 2010, she worked as a project and program manager at the International Centre for Art and New Technologies (CIANT) in Prague, Czech Republic, There, she carried out many collaborative European projects, research, international training programs, and events. She has a Masters in Communication and Media Studies (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France; Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands) and a Masters in Cultural Development and Project Management (Université Lyon 2). She is currently a doctoral candidate in Artistic Studies and Practices at UQAM, Canada. She has worked at UQAM, on research projects and colloquiums, Perte de Signal and Eastern Bloc, where she currently serves on the programing committee. She was the guest curator for Show Off 2013, Paris’ digital art fair, and is currently preparing an international exhibition.