[ISEA2019] Artist Statement: Eva Sjuve — Synthetic Machines: Turning to the Spectra

Artist Statement

Keywords: Machine learning, Sonification, Music, Light sensor, Electromagnetic propagation, Computational Aesthetics, Voice

This artist talk discusses recent research in sonification and the tuning of synthetic machines in the project “Metopia”. In this project, Metopia Deep (Signal), the energy of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere has been explored, with the use of machine learning and sound processing in Pure data, as emergent phenomena. The act of tuning into the electro-magnetic spectra, the material in this work, both light and beyond the visible, is central to artistic practice in this work. The synthetic machines are interfaces between the fleeing electro-magnetic waves and our listening, using vectors in machine learning models, and a metaphorical mapping of vocal rhythmic patterns.

  • Eva Sjuve, University of Huddersfield, UK

Full text (PDF)