[ISEA2019] Artist Statement: Yaloo — Seaweed Garden

Artist Statement

2019_ACT_Festival_FoodHack @ ISEA2019

Seaweed Garden pays attention to “seaweeds,”, an ingredient closely linked to Asian countries’ traditional values and cultures. In the digital media work, seaweeds appear as a motif to build a world which is visually exaggerated and technically very affluent. https://www.yaloopop.com/Garden-of-Seaweed-immersive-futuretale-2019

  • Yaloo, a Korean visual artist, acquired a master’s degree on digital image making & video installation from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) in 2015, and has actively worked on creating pieces with digital media. https://www.yaloopop.com/Yaloo-1