[ISEA2019] Paper: Andrew Richardson — Mapping Light: Data Impressionism


Keywords: Data, Visualization, Light, Location, City, Graphics, Impressionism.

Using a practical investigation as a sample case study, this paper outlines an initial investigation into the visualization of people’s experiences within a city space. Highlighting the shortcomings of conventional data visualization approaches, it presents an argument for the use of light as a useful metaphor for mapping and connecting emotion with place. Inspired by the impressionistic painters, and their use of light as a means to capture the sense or mood of a scene, the project advocates light as a possible way to develop a kind of ‘data impressionistic’ approach for visualizing the data-informed mood of a location. The paper outlines the ongoing practical project work and prototypes, and looks forward to future opportunities and project developments during the next phases of work.

  • Andrew Richardson is a senior lecturer within the Design School at Northumbria University. He lectures on the Interaction Design programme and his research concerns the use of creative coding for development of novel data visualisations.

Full text (PDF) p. 531-534