Workshop Statement Also Artist Talk
Art, Science & Us sub-programme
See the city anew by walking the routes of hidden waterways, using historical and contemporary maps. Participants are invited to a workshop that will include walking and the creation of a visual impression through the use of mobile phones and a dedicated internet site. Questions of urban land use, the environment and issues particular to the location raised during the walk will be discussed after the walk.
- Dr Greg Giannis (Australia) is an artist, educator and researcher. He has been teaching for over 20 years, has recently completed a ISS Research Fellowship & Digital Technologies, Education and Creativity”, runs a maker space which has been shortlisted for an Education Innovation Award and is an international partner of the Makerspaces in the early years: Enhancing digital literacy and creativity (MakEY) EU project. He currently teaches Media Arts at La Trobe University in the School of Education.