Introductory Statement
The overall theme of this year’s ISEA, Intersections, allows for a reflection and engagement
on the transformative nature of art and its convergence with science and technology.
In conceptualisng the ISEA2018 experience we were guided by ISEA International
requirements for a localised festival, offering unique experiences of an interdisciplinary
symposium, comprising “an academic conference, art exhibitions, performances, public
events, and related activities”, as well as incorporating “aspects of local culture, history and
We are located at intersections of African and colonial heritage; first and ‘second’ economies;
local and international cultures; simulated and lived experiences. ISEA2018 provides a
platform for encounters and interaction with innovation and activist engagement in public
and private spaces. Symposium subthemes include: hybridisation and purity; emancipation
and pain; spirit and flesh and in-between the cracks and submissions explore (amongst
others) art interfacing with networks, urbanisation and social justice. Significantly, we find
ourselves at the intersection of ISEA2017 in Manizales, Colombia where the focus was on
critical considerations vis-à-vis Bio Creation and Peace and ISEA2019, which takes place in
The overall programme design of ISEA2018 is based on feedback from previous ISEA
experiences and guidelines from ISEA international. The final list of Keynotes prioritises
inclusivity and these proceedings are equally reflective of the diversity of voices from the
global south and north. A total of 281 submissions for papers, posters, panels and roundtables
were received via EasyChair. A double-blind peer review process culminated in the selection
of papers for ISEA2018 proceedings.
A special thank you to all contributors, IPC members and to the ISEA Board – including its
Executive Director who helped guide us on our journey to ISEA2018.
- ISEA2018 Academic Committee: Dr Rufus Adebayo, Ismail Farouk, Dr Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi, Prof Richard Millham & Dr René Smith.