Artist Statement
Electronic mural project, sonorous and visual, specially conceived for the main wall of the station “Los Orientales” of the Metro of Santiago (Subway). This is composed of eight hexagonal modules, which were built from an updated pictorial concept using contemporary technologies. Fusion between painting, electronics and digital. Its theme is nature, in particular, water cycles. In short, an “electronic mural” that tells us about nature created especially for citizenship. Ko means water in Mapudungun.
- Yto Aranda, Rao Caya: arte, naturaleza y tecnología. Chile. Through multidisciplinary and cross movements, emphasizing around the painting, electronics and sound, she has researched and developed a creative work, she has formulated variety of visual proposals, prioritizing “Electronic Interactive Painting” project. Since 1997 uses the Internet as a platform for action, developing a strong interest in issues related to communication, collaboration and community development. In 2015 she founded the rural project “Rao Caya”, Art. Nature and Technology. Painting mention Bachelor of Arts, University of Chile. Founded in 1999 theMagazine Online “Escáner Cultural”; She permanently participates in exhibitions, and projects related to international electronic arts events, such as: Bienal de Video y Artes Mediales de Santiago (2005 y 2009); FILE – Electronic Language International Festival (2005, 2006, 2008 y 2009, Brasil); Bienal Internacional de Mérida (2005, 2007, 2009, México); Festival Montréal en Lumière (2008, Canadá);Brasil em Chile – Chile en Brasil Festival (2010, Chile y Brasil); LabSurLab (Quito, Ecuador 2012); Isea2012 (Albuquerque, Estados Unidos); Isea2013 (Sidney, Australia); Asimtria/Once (Arequipa y Cuzco, Perú 2015); Encuentro Latinoamericano de Arte Digital Kiebre (La Paz, Bolivia,2015); BunB, Festival de la Imagen, (Manizales, Colombia 2016). She is awarded the Fondart 2016 project (((KO))) Visual & sound electronic mural for citizenship in the Subway of Santiago (Metro). Curriculum Vitae: