Artists Statement
Bellotto and Priest continue a collaboration of video and music composition, interested in revealing and capturing routes of travel and explore the dynamics between disappearing sounds and image. Janet Bellotto: video, Barnaby Priest: composer, with members of the Dubai Chamber Orchestra.
- Janet Bellotto, ISEA2014 Artistic Director and Interim Dean, Associate Professor College of Arts and Creative Enterprises, Zayed University.
- Barnaby Priest studied music at Sussex University under Colin Matthews and Anne Boyd. He completed his M.Mus in composition at King’s College, London with Nicola Le Fanu. In the late 70’s he worked as an amenuensis for Hans Werner Henze in Italy. Since 1987 he has lived and worked in SE Asia. While he has written music in a wide range of genres he has increasingly concentrated on exploring a soundworld that uses a limited diatonic palette.