Introductory Statement
Using a wide variety of media and artistic practice, twenty four artist works will investigate the intersection of art and technology in works exhibited on the Dubai Campus of Zayed University. Ranging from large, interactive installations to video screenings, to sculpture and prints, the works share a common theme of exploring ways in which new media shape our interactions with the world around us. Some artists achieve this exploration by engaging the viewer actively and physically with the work of art, for example in installations by Zina Kaye, Martha Ladly, Jessica Thompson, Rodrigo Carvalho, Kevin Badni, Peter Hassall, Yulius Yulius and Omnia Amin. Other artists, including Tamas Waliczky; George Legrady, Marco Pinter and Danny Bazo; and Chris Coleman and Laleh Mehran, rely on machines themselves to engage with their environment and interpret data to produce changing aesthetic affects. Jiayi Young and Shih-Wen Young; Deborah and Richard Cornell; ETMCA Ukwuoma; Valeria Lamontagne; Sarah Nesbitt; Hind Demaithan and Maitha Demithan; Jennifer Willet and Jeanette Groenendaal Zoot Derks and Jennifer Willet; Ava Ansari and Marco Pinter; Andreas Guskos; Jaak Kaevats; Seth Ellis and Chris Cassidy; Ben Bogart and Philippe Pasquier; and Marcos Luytens round out the scope of the exhibits with a diverse set of works that combine elements of visitor interaction, data collection and manipulation, and traditional artistic practice to continue to push the boundaries of electronic art.
- Dr. Sabrina DeTurk (USA/UAE) is Associate Professor in the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises at Zayed University in Dubai.
- Colleen Quigley is Assistant Professor in the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises at Zayed University in Dubai.