Braintec is an American technology company specialized in brain implants. On the website Memoires of a Testee, recorded recollections at Braintec, Rosanne van Klaveren and some other test subjects write diaries about their experiences in memory research. This way, Rosanne represents the oldest art of human history: telling stories.
- Rosanne van Klaveren Education: 1995-1999 – Artschool Arnhem (NL), dept. Liberal Arts
1999-2001 – MFA Post-St Joost Photography, Breda (NL). Earlier Braintec exhibitions: – Digital Exposure #3, Den Haag, Netherlands, – Madrettor Festival, Rotterdam, Netherlands, – GRIP, Vleeshal and Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, Netherlands, – Avecom REAL, Museum voor Moderne Kunst and Gele Rijder, Arnhem, Netherlands, – FILE2003, Sao Paulo, Brazil, – Ciberart, Bilbao, Spain, 2002 – ISOC Award Internet and the Arts, 2003 – Nomination International Media Art Award, ZKM, Karlsruhe
Full text (PDF) p. 112-113