[ISEA2012] Round Table: Amanda McDonald-Crowley, Stephanie Pereira & Christina Worsing – ALT.ECONOMY? QUESTIONING NEW MODELS OF CULTURAL PRODUCTION

Round Table Statement

As the economy forces us to continue searching deeper into our pockets, more sustainable systems of exchange and cultural production are being created, shifting public consciousness on how we think about money, labor and community. From crowdsourcing models of microfinance and productions based on collective pooling of ideas and resources to swap shop styled innovations on more traditional models of barter, exchange and cultural production are being re-evaluated on a global scale. What new paradigms are emerging and how they can be evaluated will be highlighted in this roundtable session of rapid fire presentations by artists, designers and cultural producers, followed by an open discussion with both presenters and audience.

  • Amanda McDonald-Crowley is a New York-based Australian curator and facilitator
  • Stephanie Pereira (USA) is working with the Kickstarter community since 2011 to help bring creative projects to life.
  • Christina Worsing, UX Design Research & Strategy Consultant, California, USA