[ISEA2011] Panel: Mar­tin Rieser – In­side Out and the Ma­te­ri­al­ity of the Dig­i­tal

Panel Statement

Panel: Variable Reality – Inter-formalities in Digital/Analogue Arts

Rieser will de­scribe the In­side Out sculp­tural ex­change ex­hi­bi­tion cur­rently tour­ing the UK, which has been shown in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia and 4 UK venues. The pro­ject, which ex­changed dig­i­tal files across con­ti­nents and then gen­er­ated the ob­jects using rapid pro­to­type print­ing meth­ods, was the first major in­ter­na­tional at­tempt to ob­vi­ate the phys­i­cal re­al­iza­tion of the sculp­tures by the artists them­selves. The talk will ex­plore no­tions of ma­te­ri­al­ity in re­la­tion to the dig­i­tal and how rad­i­cally artis­tic prac­tice is chang­ing around the idea of hy­brid or over­lap­ping re­al­i­ties as being in­ter­re­lated and of equal cul­tural sig­nif­i­cance.

  • Pro­fes­sor Mar­tin Rieser‘s art prac­tice in in­ter­net art and in­ter­ac­tive nar­ra­tive in­stal­la­tions has been seen around the world in­clud­ing Milia in Cannes; Paris; The ICA Lon­don and in Ger­many, Mon­treal, Nagoya in Japan and Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia. He as de­liv­ered pa­pers on in­ter­ac­tive nar­ra­tive and ex­hib­ited at many major con­fer­ences in the field in­clud­ing ISEA: Mon­treal 1995, Rot­ter­dam 1996, Chicago 1997, Nagoya 2002, Belfast 2009, Uni­ver­sity of Oslo 2004, Sig­graph, 2005, Re­fresh Banff Arts Cen­tre 2005, Dig­i­tal Match­mak­ers Trond­heim 2005 Plan ICA 2005, NAI Rot­ter­dam 2008, In­tel­li­gent En­vi­ron­ments Seat­tle 2008,Barcelona 2009, Lo­cunet Uni­ver­sity of Athens 2008, ISEA2009 and at many other con­fer­ence venues across the UK and Eu­rope. His in­ter­ac­tive in­stal­la­tions in­clude Un­der­stand­ing Echo shown in Japan 2002, Hosts Bath Abbey 2006 and Se­cret Door In­video Milan 2006, The Street RMIT Gallery Mel­bourne 2008. He is cur­rently de­vel­op­ing mo­bile art­works for Vi­enna (The Third Woman), and pub­lic in­stal­la­tions for the new DMC in Leices­ter (Se­cret Gar­den) . He has pub­lished nu­mer­ous es­says and books on dig­i­tal art in­clud­ing New Screen Media: Cin­ema/ Art/Nar­ra­tive (BFI/ZKM, 2002), which com­bines a DVD of cur­rent re­search and prac­tice in this area to­gether with crit­i­cal es­says. And has re­cently edited The Mo­bile Au­di­ence, a book on loca­tive tech­nol­ogy and art due out this year from Rodopi, also logged in a blog. He has also acted as con­sul­tant to bod­ies such as Cardiff Bay Arts Trust and the Pho­tog­ra­pher’s Gallery Lon­don, Arkive in Bris­tol, The Soros Media In­sti­tute in Prague and UIAH in Helsinki. mobileaudience.blogspot.com