[ISEA2010] Workshop: Roy Ascott (Introduction) — ISEA2010 Education Workshop

Workshop Statement

In the ISEA2010 Education Workshop the identification and discussion of specific key educational issues initiates the open exchange between educational experts and workshop participants. Roy Ascott’s introduction on pioneering platforms for Ph.D. studies forms the initial base for the exchange. The contribution by knowledge transfer experts concerns relevant learning methods and accreditation, including Ph.D. studies and novel incentives leading to hybrid learning and interdisciplinary practice. While some of the issues are more relevant in a regional context, over the last years an ongoing global discourse became evident on these topics.

Workshop presenters:

Nina Czegledy (HU/CA)
Peter F. Stephan (DE)
Bernd Robben (DE)
Bettina Schülke (AT/FI)
Dieter Daniels (DE)
Attila Nemes (HU)
Barnabas Malnay (HU)

  • Roy Ascott (UK), is an artist and theorist whose research is invested in cybernetics, technoetics, telematics, and syncretism. He is the founding president of the Planetary Collegium, an international platform for art, technology and consciousness research, based in Plymouth University