Online presentation
Keywords: neurodiversity, 4E cognition, inclusion, Metatopia
Our societies are promoting the participation of people with a “disability” or neurodiverse people in musical artistic activity. Technology in this sense has played an important role in the development of musical devices for the inclusion, which start to relate to body language and sound but which evolve towards multimodal structures which combine them with lights, physical and architectural structures, haptic stimulants, and other factors. The Metatopia environments created in the context of the project Metabody have been designed with a conception which gives rise to the participation of neurodiverse people. Since 2013 this Metabody has collaborated with people with cognitive, physical and sensorial neurodiversity. This artícle discusses the term “disability” and proposes replacing it for neurodiversity in concordance with the cognitive theories of the paradigm of 4E cognition: embodied, embedded, enactive, extended. To be examined also are the possibilities of Metatopia with neurodiverse people through ob-servations and interviews. The results of this research point towards an expansion of the capacities of people who carry out immersions in Metatopia regarding security, initiative, the rupture of the habitus and concentration. Said changes are explained in terms of the techniques developed by the Author in Metatopia: flexinamics, misalignment and amorphogenesis and their relation with the theories of 4E cognition.
- Alicia Peñalba, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
- Rubén López-Cano, Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya, Spain
- Jaime del Val, Instituto Metabody/Reverso, Spain https://metabody.eu/centre
Full text in Spanish [PDF]