[ISEA2015] Curator Statement: Philippe Pasquier – AV DISRUPTION

Curator Statement

AV Disruption brings together a program of audio, and audio video performances that exemplify what it means to bridge research and practice. The four performances are solidly grounded in academic research, whether in computer music or generative and interactive systems. Instead of simply using the current software available to produce audio-video pieces, the artists in this program have developed custom software to craft unique audio visual systems and instruments that result in new and disruptive audio visual experiences.

  • Philippe Pasquier (FR/CA) is Associate Professor and Graduate Program Chair at Simon Fraser University’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology. He is both a scientist specialized in artificial intelligence and a multi-disciplinary artist. His contributions range from theoretical research in artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems and machine learning to applied artistic research and practice in digital art, computer music, and generative art. Philippe is the Chair and investigator of the AAAI series of international workshop on Musical Metacreation (MUME), the MUME-WE concerts series and the International workshop on Movement and Computation (MOCO). He has coauthored over 100 peer-reviewed contributions.