[TISEA 1992] Artist Statement: Brian Evans — Acacia Mosaics

Artist Statement 

Screening 2’30”

Music & Graphics by Brian Evans
Hardware: Cray-YMP
Software: Brian Evans
Produced at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications

ISEA Archives Video Channel:

  • Brian Evans, USA. Adjunct Associate Professor of Music, Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University. Senior Analyst (Systems Analyst III), Vanderbilt University Computer Center (VUCC). Since 1986 Principal Investigator on several research grants from The National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Digital media research, sound and image. Atonal Imagery and Temporal Visual Design” (Since Jan. 1992), “Time-based Grammars in Intermedia Presentation” (July 1990–Dec. 1991), “Temporal Coherence with Color, Motion, and Sonic Mapping” (Jan. 1989–June 1990) “Structural Strategies in the Time Domain, ” co-PI with Prof. Donna Cox, (Sept. 1986–Aug. 1988)