[ISEA2011] Panel: Vicky Isley & Paul Smith – Wet Paint

Panel Statement

Panel: Data Disinformation

Bore­dom­re­search ex­plore the nat­ural pro­gres­sion from sta­tic im­agery al­lowed by re­cur­sive tech­nolo­gies which en­able data to re­main liq­uid. The artists Vicky Isley and Paul Smith often think of them­selves as em­ploy­ing com­puter gam­ing tech­nol­ogy to cre­ate land­scape paint­ings and life stud­ies that move. These art­works un­fold in real time en­abling view­ers to be con­tin­u­ally sur­prised by every chang­ing forms and sounds. Using com­pu­ta­tional tech­nol­ogy to ex­plore di­ver­sity bore­dom­re­search often use tech­niques sim­i­lar to those used by sci­en­tists. By sim­u­lat­ing nat­ural pat­terns and be­hav­iours bore­dom­re­search cre­ate new in­tri­cate forms and com­po­si­tions of in­trigue and beauty. In this paper the artists will dis­cuss their com­pu­ta­tional sys­tems which ma­nip­u­late data chunks to pro­duce a di­ver­sity of mov­ing im­ages.

  • Vicky Isley & Paul Smith have been col­lab­o­rat­ing as bore­dom­re­search since 2000. They are in­ter­na­tion­ally renowned for cre­at­ing soft­ware dri­ven art, highly aes­thetic both vi­su­ally and acousti­cally. Their art­works are in­spired by the di­ver­sity that ex­ists in na­ture – sim­u­lat­ing nat­ural pat­terns and be­hav­iours they cre­ate new in­tri­cate forms and com­po­si­tions within in­ter­ac­tive and pub­lic art­works, on­line en­vi­ron­ments and gen­er­a­tive ob­jects. Their art­work has been awarded an hon­orary men­tion in Trans­me­di­ale.05, Berlin (2005) and VIDA 7.0 Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion, Madrid (2004). Bore­dom­re­search’s art­work has been widely ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally their re­cent ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude KUMU Art Mu­seum, Tallinn (2011); [DAM]Cologne (2011); Today Art Mu­seum, Bei­jing (2010); Lab­o­ral, Gijon (2010); MAXXI, Rome (2010); iMal, Brus­sels (2008) and In­sti­tuto Itaú Cul­tural, São Paulo (2008).The artists are rep­re­sented by [DAM]Berlin/Cologne and are ArtSway As­so­ci­ates, and you can find their art­work in many col­lec­tions in­clud­ing the British Coun­cil’s. They are both cur­rently Re­search Lec­tur­ers at the Na­tional Cen­tre for Com­puter An­i­ma­tion, Bournemouth Uni­ver­sity, UK.  boredomresearch.net

Full text (PDF) p. 1273-1275