[ISEA2018] Panel: Ricardo Dal Farra — Balance-Unbalance (E-Arts Meets the Actual World)

Panel Statement

Keywords: Electronic arts, media arts, sound arts, humanitarian actions, climate change, environmental crisis.

Environmental problems, economic uncertainty and political complexity have been around for a long time. What was different before was the speed and depth of transformations compared with today’s sudden changes. The frequent occurrence and severity that certain weather and climate-related events are having around us is increasing, and the ability of human beings on modifying the environment have turn into a power capable of altering the planet. How can the electronic art play a role in helping to revert the current mass destructive tendency? Can we artists make a difference, participating with our electronic art of multi- inter- or trans- disciplinary teams, in finding solutions to complex problems such as climate change? Aiming to use electronic art as a catalyst with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creating lasting intellectual working partnerships in solving our global environmental crisis, some initiatives (e.g. Balance-Unbalance) are in development and will be discussed during the proposed panel.

  • Pat Badani, Anne Nigten, Mike Phillips & Nina Czegledy, Panelists
  • Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra is a composer and new media artist, associate professor at the Music Department of Concordia University, Canada and director of the Electronic Arts Research Centre (CEIArtE) at UNTREF, Argentina. He has been director of Hexagram, Canada; researcher for UNESCO, France; director of the Multimedia Communication national program at the Federal Ministry of Education, Argentina; coordinator of the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage – DOCAM international alliance, Canada; and senior consultant of Amauta, the Andean Media Arts Centre in Cusco, Peru. As an electro-acoustic music composer and new media artist his work has been presented in over 40 countries and recordings of his pieces are published in 23 international editions. Funded by The Daniel Langlois Foundation he created the largest collection publicly available of Latin American Electro-acoustic Music. Dal Farra is the founding director of the Balance-Unbalance, “art! ⋈ climate”, EChO, BaDArtE and Understanding Visual Music international projects.

Full text p. 398 – 401