[ISEA2004] Paper: Genco Gülan – Web Biennial 2003: International Bi-annual Contemporary Art Exhibition for and on the World Wide Web


Web Biennial is the first bi-annual contemporary art exhibition created exclusively for the WWW. Both the exhibition and the whole production was online. The Navigation was based on a custom search engine and custom coding by participants. The project aimed to offer an alternative approach to exhibiting art online and for presenting online art.

  • Genco Gulan is an artist and a social critic. He studied Political Science and Art at Bogazici University, Istanbul. Then he pursued an MA degree on Media Studies at New School University, New York. During his studies he focused on new technology and art. He showed his works at Steirishes Herbst, Graz, 1997; Mediaterra, Athens 2000; Museum of Modern Art, Rio 2003 and ZKM, Karlsruhe 2004. His online works had been presented at rhizome.org and kanonmedia.com. His articles have been published in NY Arts Magazine and Milliyet Sanat. Genco Gulan’s name appeared in the required reading list of University of California at Santa Barbara 2002 and Hunters College at Buffalo, New York 2003. One of his works “interactive poem” is listed at www.kaigisho.ne.jp Multimedia & Internet Dictionary. He
    currently he lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey.

Full text (PDF) p. 192-196