[ISEA2011] Panel: Mar­garet Dolin­sky – Fac­ing Shifts of Per­cep­tion

Panel Statement

Panel: An Alembic of Transformation: Virtual Reality as Agent of Change

The com­plex­ity of cre­at­ing art­work for vir­tual re­al­ity the­aters such as the CAVE Au­to­matic En­vi­ron­ment of­fers artists a mul­ti­far­i­ous palette that only be­gins with hard­ware and soft­ware. The aes­thet­ics of an ex­pe­ri­ence re­quires cre­at­ing a plas­tic en­vi­ron­ment that ig­nites the imag­i­na­tion in order to in­vei­gle the vis­i­tor and si­mul­ta­ne­ously en­gages the vis­i­tor. Vir­tual worlds im­merse vis­i­tors  with a range of per­cep­tual stim­uli (vi­sual, au­di­tory, kines­thetic…) that can be ex­ploited through the artis­tic process. By set­ting up sub­ver­sive con­fronta­tion be­tween the vis­i­tors and the worlds in terms of such tech­niques as per­spec­tive, il­lu­sion and pro­jec­tions, a per­cep­tual shift can occur that mo­men­tar­ily usurps or­di­nary re­al­ity. “Fig­u­ra­tively Speak­ing”, a VR en­vi­ron­ment for the CAVE, is based on orig­i­nal wa­ter­col­ors of ab­stract fig­ures whose faces, for the most part, are their bod­ies and con­cur­rently com­pose the land­scape.  This de­lib­er­ately con­founds the en­vi­ron­ment to en­gage the vis­i­tor in a face-to-face di­a­logue with par­tic­u­lar­ity and per­son­ality.

  • Mar­garet Dolin­sky is an As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor at the Hope School of Fine Arts and a Re­search Sci­en­tist with the Per­va­sive Tech­nol­ogy In­sti­tute and a Fel­low with the In­sti­tute for Dig­i­tal Arts and Hu­man­i­ties at In­di­ana Uni­ver­sity in Bloom­ing­ton.  ??Dolin­sky has been work­ing with vir­tual en­vi­ron­ments since 1995, cre­at­ing in­ter­ac­tive art ex­pe­ri­ences that have been ex­hib­ited at SIG­GRAPH, Ars Elec­tron­ica, ICC in Tokyo, and the Walker Art Cen­ter. She was com­mis­sioned by the In­di­anapo­lis Mu­seum of Art to cre­ate “Cab­i­net of Dreams” a VR ex­pe­ri­ence of Chi­nese an­tiq­ui­ties. She has just re­turned from China where she ex­hib­ited her lat­est piece “Emotable Por­traits.” She co-pro­duced and de­signed in­ter­ac­tive video for the Amer­i­can Opera The­ater’s pro­duc­tion “An­nun­ci­a­tion + Vis­i­ta­tion: Op­er­atic Pro­jec­tions of her sex­ual in­sight.” Her re­cent work in­volves dig­i­tal pro­jec­tions for opera and ex­per­i­men­tal film. Her re­search fo­cuses on how dig­i­tal art pro­vokes shifts in per­cep­tion and en­hances sen­sory aware­ness. Ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude SIG­GRAPH, Ars Elec­tron­ica, ICC, and the Walker Art Cen­ter USA. Her work is pub­lished in Leonardo, Dis­cover, Com­puter Graph­ics World, US News and World Re­port and ACM’s Com­puter Graph­ics. Lec­tures in­clude Ts­inghua Uni­ver­sity (China), Ciber@rts Bil­boa (Spain), Sen­so­r­ial Net (Brazil), BEAP (Aus­tralia), and ISEA2000 (France). She re­ceived an MFA from Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois at Chicago. She is an As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor and Re­search Sci­en­tist at the H.R. Hope School of Fine Arts at In­di­ana Uni­ver­sity Bloom­ing­ton and a re­searcher with the Plan­e­tary Col­legium at the Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth, U.K.  Dolin­sky is co-chair of the IST & SPIE En­gi­neer­ing Re­al­ity of Vir­tual Re­al­ity con­fer­ence with Ian Mc­Dowall.

Full text (PDF)  p. 685-691 [title slightly different]